Over The Knee Spanking

Over The Knee Spanking

Over The Knee SpankingOver the knee (OTK) spanking is one of TikTok’s hottest, new sexy trends that’s spicy enough for folks across the gender and sexuality spectrum. It’s even safe to try alone.

It offers an alternative to lap positioning – which, after a certain size, is challenging to manage because of leveraged rocking and squirming.


A variation on the traditional over-the-lap spanking, this method involves a submissive lying face down over the dominant partner’s knee, often with their head lower than the rest of their body. This position allows for a variety of strokes including the use of cuffs or strappings. This technique can heighten sexual arousal for both parties, especially for those who enjoy the sensation of pain. This type of spanking can be used at any time, not just during foreplay. It is usually performed within a consensual power play relationship, and appropriate safewords and signals should be used.

This position is perfect for a variety of fetishes. However, it is particularly popular with kinksters who enjoy erotic discipline. It is used by both dominants and submissives as a kink tool, and is a mainstay of BDSM in many homes.

This technique has many benefits, including the ability to control the spankeeā€™s midsection and striking zones. It is also easier to see and hear the spankee when they are not lying on a couch or a bed. This position has some disadvantages as well. The submissive may be able to escape by moving or blocking their body.


Spanking involves vigorous physical contact. Both the spanker and the spankee will sweat a lot during a spanking session. Often, the sweating will make it necessary to remove or change clothing. It is also a good idea to drink plenty of water to replace the lost fluids.

The positioning used in the original OTK spanking begins with the husband on a bed or similar flat surface with his knees and thighs spread apart wide enough to allow one thigh of his wife to slip between them. The wife is then guided or, if she is reluctant, pulled over to straddle his knee on the opposite side of the hand that will administer the punishment.

OTK spankings are a popular way to bring new bottom-centric thrills for fetishists. It is a position that allows the spanker to apply a firm, hard, and squirm-resistant spanking with full leverage. This style of spanking, while commonly associated with paddling, can be used to achieve a variety of disciplinary goals, including but not limited: smacking (or teasing), humiliation, leveraged boarding, and ironing.


Consent is a free choice based on an active, informed, and mutually agreed to decision. It is never automatic or implicit – a feeble “yes” after intense pressure or coercion is sexual coercion, not consent.

A clear and enthusiastic “yes” is the only acceptable expression of consent. No one can impose their wishes on anyone else, and the right to say no at any time is sacred. Communicate your boundaries clearly from the start and check in on each other to ensure consent continues throughout any sexual encounters.

The term OTK is a misnomer – it may have been coined from a nineteenth century Collier & Ives political cartoon that depicted a failing presidential candidate being spanked over the knee. However, the position is a common way to spank a child, and it may have become especially popular among fathers as an alternative to paddling their daughters on the buttocks – a position that can be uncomfortable because of the placement of the exposed external genitalia.

OTK is safe to perform without a physician’s consent, as long as both participants are coherent. A person is not able to consent if they are unconscious or asleep, are under the influence of drugs and alcohol, or have been coerced physically or psychologically. Consent can also be withdrawn at any time.