Kissing My Boyfriend Spanking Bare Butts

Kissing My Boyfriend Spanking Bare Butts

Kissing My Boyfriend Spanking Bare ButtsKissing my boyfriend while spanking his bare butts is a romantic way to turn him on. It’s also a great way to increase intimacy.

Everyone has erogenous zones. You might find his neck is super sensitive, or he may enjoy a kiss on his earlobes. He may also enjoy a kiss on his belly button or crook of the arm.

Make sure he’s comfortable

It’s important to make sure that your boyfriend is comfortable before you start kissing his bare butt. If you don’t, it will feel uncomfortable for both of you.

You can help him relax by cuddling him and smelling his breath to make sure it’s fresh. You can also play with the temperature of his skin by kissing him on different parts of his body.

Kissing his neck or the crook in his arm can be very sensual. You can also give him a kiss on his earlobe. This can be very sensual.

It’s also a good idea to try kissing his thigh or groin area. These are also very sensitive areas that can be a major turn-on for many guys. In addition, you can try kissing him on his shoulder or armpits to get him a little more aroused. Be careful not to go too high, though, as you can risk hitting his tailbone and hurting him. If you are having trouble, you can use a sexy toy or gloves that protect your hands while giving you the same sensation.

Start Slowly

Before you go in for a kiss, make sure that your lips are soft and that there’s no food or drink on them. These things can give you a bad taste, which isn’t the most desirable before a sexy moment.

Close your eyes while kissing. This will stop any accidental eye contact which could be interpreted as sexually provocative. It may even make him kiss you more intensely.

Start by giving small kisses to the lower central area of his butt. Increase the pressure gradually.

Avoid kissing his nose or forehead. These areas are sensitive and can be irritated easily. Also, try varying the amount of pressure you apply to him by bending your head back slightly.

If you feel comfortable enough, try kissing him on his neck, ears, face, or arms. Varying the pressure makes it more exciting, and it will let him know that you’re a willing participant. You can also try humming during your kisses; higher pitches will produce faster vibrations that tickle and lower ones create a slower, more sensual feeling.

Keep your Mouth Open

Keeping your mouth open is important, because you want to give him a wide range of kissing options. You can kiss on the lips, but you also have the option to lick, bite, or softly suckle your boyfriend’s lower lip. He will appreciate a kiss with a bit of tongue work.

Try kissing your cheeks or forehead to add an extra level of excitement to kisses. This is an inoffensive way to say hello or goodbye, and it can be pretty erotic when done properly. Kissing on the back of the neck or thighs is another way to get the juices flowing.

If he wants to take things to the next level after a spanking, that’s a clear sign that the kiss was meaningful. He wouldn’t be so eager if it meant nothing. If he keeps checking in on your social media, that’s even more of a green light. He can’t help but think about you! It’s a sure sign that he loves. Let’s be honest. Who doesn’t like that?

Don’t Push your Tongue in

It can be awkward when people kiss too hard. This can cause a lot of sucking and pressure that may hurt the other person. It’s important to know the right amount of tongue to use. Some people prefer to use their tongue to initiate the conversation, while others prefer to first caress the lips of their partner. If you’re not sure how much tongue you should use, try taking a look at your partner to see how they react.

If they’re leaning in and seem very comfortable, start with a slow trace of the outline of their lips. You can even swirl it around to really get to know your partner and see how they respond to the sensation. Sucking on their lips and tongue is a big turn on, but don’t go too far and hurt them or cause teeth to clash. It’s better to let them lead and work together to reach a peak. It’s better if you take your time and are gentle, rather than rushing to do something. This is what can make them feel uncomfortable or scared.

Do Not Use Your Teeth

It’s not always a good thing to use your teeth while kissing. Not only is it uncomfortable for your partner but you also risk spreading germs. This includes viruses such as Epstein-Barr (which causes chickenpox), varicella-zoster, and herpes simplex. It’s also a recipe for bad breath, or halitosis.

It’s also gross to your lover. It can be tempting to try different moves when kissing, such as a hard bite on the lip, but you should save these for later, once you’ve gained some comfort.

In the meantime, focus on your handiwork. You can intensify the spanking by gently stroking and pulling their hair. Don’t forget their thighs or butt! Butt slapping can be a lot more painful than paddling their cheeks, and it’s important to get the timing right. The sweet spot is just below the lower central portion of their booty, up to the tops of their thighs. If you go higher, you may hurt their tailbone. And if you go any lower, you could cause hernias and other serious injuries.