Wife Spanking

Wife Spanking in Christian Patriarchy

Wife SpankingWife spanking is a known abuse in Christian patriarchy circles. It is not Biblical. It is a misuse of authority and it is harmful for wives.

Usually, maintenance discipline involves her being stripped naked and he spanking her bottom, then entering her anus with a paddle and lube. This type of discipline is typically done on a weekly or monthly schedule.

Warm Up

Spanking a woman is often painful. It’s also a good way to send a message about the woman’s bad behavior, which will influence her future actions. This can make her cry and is very satisfying for the husband, as it shows that the spanking has been effective. It also shows that she takes the punishment seriously.

It is important to warm the bottom of a wife before you begin the punishment. This can be done using a hand or with an implement such as a paddle. It may only take a few spanks over a short period of time. A good reason for the warm up is to lessen the chance of bruising on her bare buttocks. This is particularly important if a spanking is to continue to be delivered with increasing intensity.

Warming up also helps the wife mentally and emotionally prepare for the discipline she will soon face. It can be used to reposition the wife’s thinking if the husband is unable to make his point with a lecture. It can also help the woman accept her punishment, and start to feel remorse. Often she will begin to cry even before the actual punishment begins as she realizes that her misbehavior is about to be punished.

Reminder Spankings

Reminder spankings are a preemptive warning style of spanking administered before an occasion or event. This is usually done when a TIH misbehaved on a previous occasion. (had too much alcohol, complained about leaving early etc.) and the HOH wishes to send a message to her that there will be serious consequences if she repeats such behavior.

These spankings are also conducted monthly, weekly, or daily as determined by the HOH. They can range from a few swats to a complete set of swats whether the bottom is clothed or not. They are usually given very quickly and quietly and can be administered using any implement from the OTK to a tilt wand or similar implement that is quiet.

This type of spanking is used to correct a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve with only one or two reminder spankings. For example, let’s say the wife has a problem with arrogance. Spanking her once a week wouldn’t necessarily eliminate the problem because it’s a deep-rooted issue but would help remind her of the importance to be humble.

Many women who are involved with DD do this type of spanking because it makes them feel better about themselves and their role in the marriage. It’s important to remember that biblically wives are to submit to their husband’s leadership in everything, including reminder spankings.

Public Spankings

During the no-nonsense South Jersey phase of wife spanking in the 1950s and ’60s, some judges were willing to order public spankings. The prevailing logic was that although it wasn’t a statutory penalty within their power to impose, it was unlikely to have been ruled cruel or uncommon under the Connorton Principle.

Some judges hedged their bets simply by summoning the spouse of a woman convicted and offering to discharge without sentence her if he spanked her instead. If the husband agreed, then that was fine.

Then there were those who wanted to blur the lines between erotic spanking and discipline. These were the guys who were deeply into Gary Ezzo, blanket training and other forms of spanking. They thought of a sexy method to get their wives to obey.

The Bible makes it clear that wives must submit to the authority of their husbands as part their role in marriage. To spank or treat them as if they were children is to violate the dignity that God has given them as women.

Many people who were spanked as children are unable to fully accept God’s grace. They see Him as a harsh disciplinarian who waits to punish them every time they slip up. As adults, it is difficult for them to accept that Jesus already died for their sins and paid the penalty. They also struggle to trust their husbands’ leadership, especially when they demand corporal punishment.

Harder Forms of Discipline

Men may be tempted to move on to harder forms of discipline once they have successfully gotten their wives to a point where they obey commands immediately without hesitation. This type of punishment may include having them assume different spanking positions, such as facing backwards over a chair and grasping the seat with their hands or lying down on the floor. The more they are used to these punishment positions, the easier it will become for them to obey your orders.

The use of a cane, slipper, or paddle is one of the most common ways to discipline a wife. Some husbands use their belts as a way to discipline their wife in a more aggressive, brutal manner. It is important for a man to warn his wife before moving on to these harder forms of discipline. He should also be calm and not in an angry or rage-filled state before disciplining his wife.

While many men enjoy disciplining their wives and think that it is a perfectly natural and normal part of the marriage relationship, others see this as a form of abuse. This could be due to a number of reasons. Some women may be sexually repressed and are not comfortable tapping into their dominant side, while other women might have been abused or otherwise physically traumatized as children and have trouble letting go of these inhibitions.